e-Enduro Series 2019

Even if most of the Liguria region was under a orange bad weather Fema like alert two weekends ago that threat did not stop the e-Enduro race Series from a …

A wet GRAND FINAL, whipped by wind and bucketfuls of rain Spotorno e-Enduro looks like this, among wonderful meandering trails among the strawberry tree and myrtle berries hedges, the scent …

Due to the weather conditions foreseen for the day tomorrow, the PS.2 and the CO. with battery recharging they will be canceled. The race specials will therefore be PS.1 then …

percorso Spotorno e-enduro

The city of Spotorno in cooperation with Race Events and Spotorno Outdoor is ready to host the 5th and final round of the 2019 e-Enduro race series. Four special stages inserted …
